Training & Support

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Automotive Safety System

Mega Speed’s high-speed cameras are used by some of the world’s most well-known car manufacturers and component makers during critical component design and testing. One case in point is one of your automobile’s top safety features namely the airbag.

Destructive Impact Testing

Mega Speed high-speed impact test cameras are used by accredited government test agencies and private accredited test labs during critical component design and testing. One example application is the destructive testing of steel storage drums, which are used to store nuclear waste.

Trouble Shooting High Speed Production Line

Mega Speed monochrome high-speed cameras are the preferred choice for bringing line speeds up to their full potential. Reaching higher cycle times and higher productivity levels that would otherwise be impossible to achieve.

Aviation Flight Safety

A great deal of testing and certification is required before an airplane’s jet engines are certified to fly.  For the past 15 years, many of the Jet engines in service today have been ice accretion tested with Mega Speed’s high-speed DVR cameras and recorders.

Software Solution

Mega Speed’s Media Player and Camera Control software is a feature-rich software platform that ships with every high-speed camera that we sell. The tools within our software allow the end-user the ability to measure, synchronize, batch process, clip, and compress their high-speed video files. 

Spacecraft Decelerator Testing

Long before NASA’s Perseverance Rover landed on Mars years of prototyping and testing was first completed here on Earth. Mega Speed high speed Gforce cameras were used during the initial testing and verification of the decelerator designs intended to decelerate Perseverance Rover’s high velocity space craft before landing on Mars.